To order online, browse our catalog and add the desired items to the cart. Then select checkout, specify your personal details provide your payment details. Aside from paying with your paypal account, you can also directly pay with credit or debit cards without creating a paypal account. For that, just select the link below the paypal login.
*If you wish to make an order by email, please send to
- For international orders, items will be reserved for 3 business days. Unfortunately we will need to cancel orders if payment has not been made within 3 business days after the invoice has been sent.
- Customers outside the Philippines who wish to order may send an email to with the details below. Once email is received, The Company will send total cost inclusive of shipping fees. The customer may notify The Company if he/she wishes to proceed with the purchase.
- Complete name and mailing address
- Email Address
- Order details
- Product Name, color, quantity
- Preferred Payment Method
- Bank Deposit (bank details will be emailed to customer once she confirms her purchase)
- All bank fees should be paid by the Client for telegraphic transfers and total sum receivable in
our account must be the amount as above.